Any commercial property developer will tell you that risk management is a significant part of any project and that the risks associated with the various Neighbourly Matters in particular, can be considerable.

"Neighbourly Matters" - often misinterpreted, misunderstood, and miscommunicated.

So, goodbye Neighbourly Matters and Hello Proximity Risk™

We are a team of specialist chartered surveyors with a track record of partnering with ambitious property developers to assess, manage and mitigate the Proximity Risk™ associated with rights of light, daylight & sunlight amenity impacts, solar glare, party walls, construction access/over-sailing, and construction nuisance.


Proximity Risk™

Sometimes it's properties outside the red line boundary that determine the shape, form and viability of a property development.

Proximity Risk™ is the collective risk to a property development, posed by the need to administer the Party Wall etc Act 1996, deal with rights of light, undertake daylight and sunlight / solar glare amenity impact assessments and occupy other people's land and airspace during the construction phase.

Programme delay, cost increases, trespass, funding problems, buildability woes, injunction, judicial review, and legal nuisance are all associated risks and a possible threat to the viability and/or deliverability of a project.

The risk is the why we do what we do. We position it front and centre, which promotes targeted focus and objectivity in our approach.

Getting in early is the key to the successful management of these risks – get in front of the issues and consider them proactively rather than firefighting when they arise as an afterthought. We provide a full Proximity Risk™ project consultancy service from RIBA Work Stage 0 (Strategic Definition) all the way through to Work Stage 6 (Handover and Close Out). Some of our property developer clients (very sensibly) consult with us for input at site acquisition or bid stage.


Why Us

Rather than try to evaluate ourselves, articulate our own value or describe what we do best, we asked our clients and partners what they need of us. They told us...

"Get in early, make complex simple, be straight and clever, cut to the chase, don't be nerds. Remain cool headed and courageous. Always see the big picture."

We're tried and tested in a sector that needs experience and expertise. We're clear, concise and speak your language. We take responsibility for the work we do and we're all about making a positive impact.

Our processes are important, our knowledge and skill intrinsic, but the most important thing, and the thing we focus on continually, is enabling our clients to make confident informed decisions by offering clear and considered Proximity Risk™ advice by people, who recognise the importance of risk management.


Our People

Proximity - Mike

Mike Scanlan

Chartered Surveyor. Time-served. He's a specialist in all aspects of Proximity Risk™, providing joined up and coordinated advice. Commercially intelligent and practical. He understands the financial and construction context of your property development. He talks the same language as you do, your funds and project managers too. He will always tell you like it is and help you put your best foot forwards. He knows how to best mitigate that programme risk between the Party Wall Act and your D&B method of procurement.

Proximity - Tom

Tom Kibblewhite

Chartered Surveyor. Construction expertise. An appetite for detail and wary of assumptions. He's an experienced Party Wall surveyor. Negotiator of access licences. Understands the development process and the commercial objectives. Right to light report peer reviewer for funders and client transactions. Negotiation strategy. Translates construction methodology into meaningful and workable Proximity Risk™ solutions.

Here's what we think you'd like to know about us. And although we do have hobbies, and we do interesting things at the weekend, we think you're more interested in knowing we've been here before, we know what we're doing and we can be relied upon to facilitate your confident informed Proximity Risk™ decision making.

Proximity - Kimi

Kimi Hiu
Practice Manager

Practice Manager. All things communication. Credit control. HR. Strategy and implementation. Premises. Infrastructure. Social. Kimi holds it all together and gets it done. No fuss.

Proximity - Neil

Neil Lovell-Kennedy

Chartered Surveyor. Rights of Light risk profiler. He has a valuation background and understands rents and yields. Negotiator of settlements. Head in the title pack - no rights of light regulating deed left unturned. Expert witness - he gets involved in the litigation.

We are hiring nationwide

Rights of Light Surveyors

Party Wall Surveyors

Technical Analyst (CAD Technician)

Proximity - Jerome

Jerome Muir
Building Surveyor

Senior Chartered Surveyor. Rights of Light risk profiler. Daylight & Sunlight impact appraiser. He's your scoping report and EIA champion. The setter of credible alternative daylight & sunlight targets for your town or city centre site. He's calm and considered.

Proximity - Dan

Dan Horrocks
CAD Manager

He's our CAD Manager. Technical Analyst. AutoCAD ace. 3D Point Cloud Survey modeller. Rights of Light. Daylight & Sunlight amenity impacts. Overshadowing. Facade render studies for Pre-app consultations. Solar Glare. He's rightly methodical, head down and best in class.

Proximity - Stacey

Stacey Clifton
CAD Technician

Technical Analyst. AutoCAD and SketchUp and 3D Point Cloud Survey modeller. Daylight & Sunlight amenity impacts. Rights of Light. Site research, detail and accuracy. She's sharp and attentive.



If you'd like to talk about an upcoming property development or an immediate Proximity Risk™ headache that you have, then we'd be very pleased to talk to you.

If you are a surveyor or CAD technician that would like to come and work here then we'd be equally very pleased to talk to you too.

Get in touch with us by e-mail: info@weareproximity.co.uk

Get in touch by telephone on 0161 444 3950

Connect on LinkedIn

If you'd like to come in and see us face-to-face, we've based ourselves in Altrincham, just a quick stroll from the tram station.

Kennedy House
31 Stamford Street
WA14 1ES

©Light & Wall Ltd 2025.

Privacy Policy

Proximity is the trading name of Light & Wall Ltd

Registered in England & Wales. Company no: 13952731

Registered office: St. Georges Court, Winnington Avenue, Northwich, Cheshire, WA8 4EE